Internal Shop Hoardings

If you don't use a hoarding on your construction site or retail shop, there are several potential consequences:

  1. Safety risks: Without a hoarding, the public can easily wander onto the site, potentially leading to accidents and injuries. A hoarding acts as a physical barrier to keep people out of the construction area, preventing accidents and protecting the public.
  2. Theft and vandalism: An unprotected construction site or retail shop is a prime target for thieves and vandals, who may steal equipment or cause damage to the property. A hoarding provides an extra layer of security, making it more difficult for unauthorized people to enter the site.
  3. Dust and debris: Construction work can generate a significant amount of dust and debris, which can be hazardous to the public if it's not contained properly. A hoarding can help to keep dust and debris inside the construction site, preventing it from spreading to nearby areas and potentially causing health problems.
  4. Negative image: An open construction site or retail shop without a hoarding can give the impression of being unfinished or unprofessional. This can be detrimental to the reputation of your business and may deter potential customers or clients. A hoarding can give your site a more polished and finished look, boosting your business's image.

Call FTHGroup for your next Hoarding 09 480 4473

safe and compliant hoarding
By David Sanderson May 5, 2023
Hoardings that meet regulation and standards for both New Zealand and Australia
By David Sanderson April 22, 2023
External Hoarding this one is 3.6 High by 60 Meters long
truck stopper bollard
April 22, 2023
this bollard will stop a 7.5 ton truck at 48km
By David Sanderson August 23, 2021
Temp Fence as security fence to stop access to a construction site pond
FTH Internal Hoarding
By David Sanderson August 23, 2021
Public Safety with FTH Internal Hoarding
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